The Stylus Symphony
Stephen Webber was commissioned to compose the Stylus Symphony by the BCSO (Berklee Contemporary Symphony Orchestra), in order to showcase the turntable as a musical instrument. The Berklee Performance Center was packed for the premier, which featured Stephen on turntables, Tiger Okoshi on trumpet, Eguie Castrillo on timbales, Jason Petrin on Ableton Live, and Radar Ellis rapping. The subsequent recording on Willow Shade Records featured the same soloists, along with Maeve Gilchrist on harp and Eugene Freissen on the Cello. As of this writing, the symphony has been performed in five countries on three continents.

Stylus Symphony Photo Gallery

Behind the Scenes: Artist Interviews
Watch the premiere of The Stylus Symphony to the left.
Click Here to view the Article in “The Groove”